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Asset | Econometrics offers you guidelines to help you with studying for your exams. These guidelines are not meant to be a substitute for the course material, but rather as an aid in studying the material of the corresponding course. The average guideline is not just a summary of the course material but also offers you extras such as step-by-step plans and additional examples.

Currently, we have the following guidelines available:

Year 1

  • Introduction Analysis and Probability Theory
  • Linear Algebra
  • Mathematical Analysis 1
  • Mathematical Analysis 2
  • Microeconomics
  • Introduction Econometrics
  • Probability and Statistics

Year 2

  • Advanced Linear Algebra
  • Introduction Mathematical Economics
  • Econometrics
  • Introduction Asset Pricing
  • Statistics for Econometrics

Year 3

  • Games and Economic Behavior
  • Philosophy of Economics and Economic Ethics


  • Games and Cooperative Behavior

Buy a guideline
You can buy our guidelines at our office in room E110 in the Esplanade Building and pay for your guideline there. It is both possible to pay by cash as by card. The price of a guideline is €3,- for Asset members and €7,- for non-members. 

Write a Guideline!

Would you like to write a guideline for another course? Let us know by sending an email to or contact one of our board members! Asset | Econometrics is always looking for students who can write a guideline, such that we can expand our current collection of guidelines. Writers of guidelines will receive a financial compensation of €150,- provided that the guideline is well-written and in LaTeX format.